The journey back to Texarkana

Thanks to not looking at the map on the way back but relying on signposts, we ended up missing the turning from I-10 back onto I-49 and went about 80 miles too far along I-10 ending up in Westlake, LA. Instead of going all the way back to Lafayette, we turned north onto US-171 and then cut across back onto I-49. In all the whole trip back was about 8 hours long in spite of the wrong turning.

Weather in Texas

Mention “weather” and “Texas” in the same sentence and everyone seems to imagine hot scorching sun, not a cloud in the sky and high humidity, but it’s not at all like that. It’s more like the weather in the UK – when it’s cold and wet, it’s cold and wet, but when it’s sunny it’s really sunny. The only difference is that when it’s sunny it’s about twice the temperature of the UK and there are a lot more sunny days than cold and wet.

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