It’s rather hot…

…in the server case. Seems the fan has decided to pack in so it’s rather warm and has already caused 2 crashes in 2 weeks in a machine that’s not needed a reboot in months.

Categorized as Personal

When is a router not a router?

Found this url on a mailing list and figured it was just too funny not to share.

Categorized as Personal

Storing Perl structures…

I’ve been looking at alternatives for storing Perl structures within a database such as MySQL. Here are the main contenders: Storable (freeze/thaw) XML::Dumper Data::Dumper

A car.. not mine..

This is really just a test for uploading an image through Movable Type but it’s going to get published anyway. This is a picture of the car that we rented when we went on holiday to Texas earlier this year – it was really quite large and spacious and I hope we have something similar… Continue reading A car.. not mine..

Categorized as Personal

Home Alone 4!

Just received an email newsletter from Twentieth Century Fox regarding the latest releases on DVD and Video in October and it mentions that Home Alone 4 is due out on the 20th October. Another one!?

the search for extra-terrestrial life continues

My seti@home stats are going up somewhat faster now I’ve remembered to restart the client on my linux desktop! Your rank out of 4721304 total users is: 76172nd place. The number of users who have this rank: 29 You have completed more work units than 98.386% of our users.

SOAP (no, not that sort)

I’ve been playing around with SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) in Perl recently. The example I wrote seems nice and straightforward and should even work with .NET thanks to some pointers from Rob.

Jabber MSN transport upgrade

The jabber server I run for myself and a few friends recently had the MSN transport upgraded…

Categorized as Linux