Light on, light off

After just three months of having the bathroom finished, three of the four spotlights in there have died. They all went within the last two weeks. The only one still working is the one that had died and been replaced before the bathroom was even finished!

The packaging for the new ones reckons they last for 1500 hours of use which seems quite pitiful compared to the 3000 hours for the ones we use in the kitchen, but I guess it’s still just over 2 months. 4 bulbs at a cost of 7.50 per pair every 2-3 months throughout the year seems wasteful to me, but then we have the really cheap energy savers in most of the other rooms. What we save in electricity from those goes towards paying for the replacement bulbs in the bathroom!
I’ve managed to replace two of the burnt out ones – but can’t unscrew the front of the last one. I even pushed it down through the ceiling a bit, from the attic, so that I could get a grip on it properly. Seems like a bit of a poor design – at least the ones in the kitchen just need a pair of snipe-nosed pliers to pull the little wire clip out of the way.
I’ll try again tomorrow maybe.